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How to Access Library Resources

Information about OpenAthens and EBSCO Discovery Service

Friendly URLs

OpenAthens uses different technology than our previous authentication method. The easiest way to access Linscheid Library's electronic resources is to use the links found on the library website, including those found on subject guides, course guides, and A-Z Databases. Each of these links uses a friendly URL that makes it easier to share with others. You can get the friendly URL by right-clicking on the link and then selecting "Copy link address", or you can find the link you need on the A-Z Databases list, click on the share icon, and copy the friendly URL, as shown below:

screenshot of A-Z Databases list with linking icon highlighted.

The friendly URL will typically be something easy to remember like rather than a long string of letters and numbers. See the example below:

Screenshot of A-Z databases with arrow pointed to friendly URL 

The library's current friendly URLs will not change with the migration to OpenAthens, so if you are already using these links, you can continue to do so.

Updating Old Proxied Links

For direct links or bookmarks to specific library articles, eBooks, and videos, the syntax of the URL will change with the migration to OpenAthens. 

Proxied library URLs that included will no longer work. These will need to be updated to have an OpenAthens redirector link added. Below are some URL creation tools.

  • The Deproxifier will take out the URL prefix "0-" and the suffix "".
  • The Athenizer will add the appropriate OpenAthens redirector text to your direct links.
    • NOTE: Do not use the Athenizer for EBSCO, Kanopy, or Gale links. More information about these platforms is found below in the "Special Cases" section.


Use the deproxifier to remove the "0-" and "" from proxied links for articles, bookmarks, streaming videos, and eBooks. Then run it through the Athenizer to have a valid library link.



Thanks to Beth Juhl and Dylan Hurd from the University of Arkansas Libraries for creating and granting permission for us to use this URL converter. 


Use the Athenizer to create up-to-date links for subscribed library resources. Copy and paste the link from the Deproxifier to create a persistent and permanent link to an article, streaming video, eBook or bookmark that will validate your credentials when you're off-campus. Be sure to test the links before you save them. 



If you have a long list of link that need to be Athenized, use this command in a spreadsheet:


If your first URL is A1, paste the formula in B1 and so on.

*This function is not available in the Mac or online versions of MS Excel.

Special Cases

The following providers use a customer ID in their URLs to give full access to ECU direct you to the ECU related account. These providers are not Athenized, but must be deproxied.

Platform Steps Old URL Example New URL Example

Include this at the end of your unproxied URL:



Include this at the end of your unproxied URL:


Make sure the URL begins with

Or include this at the end of your unproxied URL: ?vp=ecok


Other resources, such as the New York Times, do not need Athenization at all. Instead, each individual will need to create a personal account with the New York Times using the steps below.

Need help fixing old or broken links?

Contact your liaison librarian, or call the library's Reference Desk at 580-559-5371.