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How to Access Library Resources

Information about OpenAthens and EBSCO Discovery Service

OpenAthens is a sign-in method for online resources known as a Single Sign-On (SSO). All you need is your ECU email and password to seamlessly access Linscheid Library's resources. You will only need to log in once at the beginning of each session you spend searching for resources online.

How does this affect me?

Whether you are an instructor or a student, OpenAthens promises to make your life easier in the long run. The verification process through the library website or a library database will be the same as logging into Blackboard, Colleague, and your email!

  • Sign in once through any campus verification that uses your ECU email and password, and you will be able to access library resources.
  • No more session timeouts for library resources and databases. 
  • You will be able to sign into your account from multiple places, whether it's directly on a database's website or through a link on the library's website. 

Our migration to using OpenAthens will not affect the content made available on the library's resources, and you will not be asked to authenticate for library resources when you are using a campus computer.