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Please contact your librarian if you have difficulty accessing any part of this website. To report eResource issues, fill out the following form:

How to Access Library Resources

Information about OpenAthens and EBSCO Discovery Service

Cookies & Cache

Sometimes you may get an error message when attempting to access library resources. Sometimes your browser will remember old versions of a website, and that can cause issues down the road. The first step is to clear your cookies and cache. Below are links to instructions for clearing out cookies and cache for commonly used browsers:

OpenAthens uses cookies. If your browser is blocking them, please set your browser to accept cookies from:


If you're still experiencing errors after clearing your cache, contact


OpenAthens has stopped supporting Internet Explorer, but it supports the latest versions of Edge, Chrome, Mozilla, and Safari. See the OpenAthens Browser policy for more information.

Login Issues

OpenAthens, Blackboard, Microsoft 365, Outlook, and Colleague all use the same login.

When you reset your password, make sure that it gets updated on all your devices. If you are still having trouble accessing any of these platforms, contact the ECU Help Desk at or 580-559-5884.

Access to Linscheid Library resources through OpenAthens is only available to current East Central University students, faculty, staff, and emeritus faculty. Community patrons can access library resources when using a computer in the library building, but they do not have off campus access.

Redirect Issues

OpenAthens connects to websites that Linscheid Library has chosen and configured for the ECU campus. If OpenAthens does not handle authentication to a site, you will see a message that reads, "We cannot redirect your request". To fix this issue, try the following:

  • Access the site through the library's A-Z Databases
  • Link to the site without OpenAthens
  • Report the error to the Collection Services Librarian at


Forbidden Error

If you receive the Forbidden error message, it could mean that you are trying to access a resource that is only available to current students, faculty, and staff. Not all databases and resources will be available to emeritus faculty and or non-ECU affiliated patrons. The image below is something you might see:

If you believe that you have received this message in error, please contact the Reference Desk at 580-559-5371 or


Bad Request Error

If you receive a Bad Request error message, it could mean you have an improperly formatted link to a library resource. The library can assist with locating the resource and provide you with the correct link. If you have encounter this issue, please contact the the Reference Desk at 580-559-5371 or

"We are sorry that we cannot complete your request"

If you receive a message that is similar to the below request, but you were using a library resource such as EBSCO Discovery Service or EDS to get to an article or site proceed to the requested website link mentioned in the message. 

screenshot of "we are sorry that we cannot complete your request, the openathens redirector is not aware of the resource you attempted to visit and because continuing could put you at risk of phishing you should make your own decision about proceeding. You should also report the link you followed and the page it was on to your openathens administrator. If you still want to continue to the requested website, the link is