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Faculty & Staff: Copyright

ECU faculty and staff, this guide outlines all of the resources and services available to you!

Copyright Resources

This page contains numerous resources on copyright, particularly in relation to using materials in online courses. For more detailed and subject-specific questions about copyright, check with your liaison librarian.

Copyright Tools

Cheat Sheet for Instructors

Copyright Cheat Sheet

Free Media for Course Design

Find more content on the following LibGuide:

Materials to Use in Online Courses

Streaming Video

eBooks & More

Creative Commons Statement

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Original content by Linscheid Library is Creative Commons licensed as 4.0 (CC-BY-NC). Links and all other content retains its original license. 


Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0 (CC-BY-NC).  Anyone is free to share and adapt works for non-commercial purposes under this license as long as they give credit for the original creation.  Attribution should be given to “Linscheid Library.”  These materials are made accessible under this license to assist and further the educational efforts of others.