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About the Library: Information

Find our mission, policies, hours, contact information, and more.

Origins, Mission and Vision Statement

The East Central University Library dates from the founding of the institution in 1909. In an effort to make government information available to the public, Linscheid Library has participated in the Federal Depository Library Program since 1914 and has been an Oklahoma State Depository since 1979. A new library facility, completed in 1997, continues the tradition of naming the East Central University library after Dr. Adolph Linscheid, President of ECU from 1920 to 1949.

Mission: We collaborate with our community to provide access to resources and education, empowering users to transform our world.

Vision: A place where everyone feels equally empowered to reach their dreams.

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Library Blog

Be featured in the library blog! The blog features the research, creative projects, internships and other learning experiences of ECU students and faculty. Contact Brandi at to be featured. 


Visit our Assessment page.

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Creative Commons Statement

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Original content by Linscheid Library is Creative Commons licensed as 4.0 (CC-BY-NC). Links and all other content retains its original license. 


Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0 (CC-BY-NC).  Anyone is free to share and adapt works for non-commercial purposes under this license as long as they give credit for the original creation.  Attribution should be given to “Linscheid Library.”  These materials are made accessible under this license to assist and further the educational efforts of others.