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About the Library: Responsibilities

Find our mission, policies, hours, contact information, and more.

Library Rules

Our Responsibilities: 

Our primary responsibility is to the students, faculty, and staff of East Central University. The following ideals guide our daily practice:

  • Accessibility: We provide fair and equal access to each patron regardless of age*, race, ethnicity, religion, nation of origin, sexual orientation or gender presentation, class, ability, or creed.
  • Reliability: We consistently provide service that is thorough, dependable, professional, and accurate.
  • Responsiveness: We provide prompt, courteous assistance. When we are unable to help, we direct patrons to the party who can.
  • Environment: We provide a learning environment that is conducive to study and research through our collection, as well as our virtual and physical spaces.
  • Confidentiality: We maintain patron confidentiality in all records and communications. We provide patron information to third parties only when compelled to do so by law. 

If you receive service that is not representative of these ideals, please let us know by submitting the Contact Form or contacting the Library Director at (580) 559-5564.


*Although patrons of all ages are welcome to use library resources in the building, checkout requires a library card which is only issued to patrons age 14 and over. See the Community Library Patrons Policy for more information.


Patron Responsibilities:

Linscheid Library abides by the policies of East Central University. Please refer to these policies and handbooks for more information:

Linscheid Library expects all users to comply with federal, state, and local laws while on the premises.

Linscheid Library expects all patrons to respect the rights of all other patrons, library employees, and the library building at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, abiding by the following rules:

Respect Others

  1. Noise should be kept to courteous levels throughout the library. Please choose the zone that best meets your needs.
  • Group Study Zones: 2nd floor Quaid Memorial Student Lounge and 2nd and 3rd floor Group Study Rooms
    • These areas allow for normal conversational tones.
  • Quiet Study Zones:  Main areas of 2nd and 3rd floors
    • Talking in these areas should be in low tones.
  • Silent Study Zones: 4th floor and 2nd floor atrium (south side)
    • Conversations in these areas should be kept at a minimum.
    • Please be advised that the 2nd floor atrium is particularly conductive of noise. Conversations held here should not be considered private as they can be heard throughout the library. 
  • Cell Zones:
    • 2nd floor Quaid Memorial Student Lounge
    • 3rd floor Group Study Room
    • Breezeway at the entrance to the library
    • “People-mover” hallway at the entrance to the library
    • You may use your cell phone to make or receive calls in these areas, but please keep your conversations brief and at a low volume.
  • Regardless of zone, electronic audio content can be utilized provided headphones are used and volume is kept at a level that does not disturb others. Headphones are not required in the Group Study Rooms provided that the volume is kept low enough so as to not disturb others outside the room. Please be advised that earbud-style headphones do not contain noise well. Headphones which better contain noise are available for checkout from the Circulation Desk or the Digital Services Department.
  • These zone designations are subject to change during library-sanctioned events.
  1. Please silence your cell phones and other electronic devices while in the library, and limit all cell phone conversations to the Cell Zones.
  2. Students must reserve the Group Study Room in order to use it. Use of the room indicates consent to the Terms and Conditions provided on the online reservation form.
  3. In accordance with 21 O.S. §1272, the ECU Student Code of Conduct, and the ECU Personnel , individuals, with the exception of authorized law enforcement personnel, are not permitted to bring firearms into the building.
  4. Parents and guardians are responsible for their children’s behavior while in the library, and are expected to prepare their children to use the library quietly and respectfully.
  5. All patrons are expected to abide by copyright laws.
  6. Please remember that the library is a public place, and that it is not the responsibility of library staff to monitor personal property. Please do not leave your belongings unattended. If you believe you have experienced or witnessed a theft in the library, please contact the Circulation Desk at (580) 559-5376 or notify any library employee. Day-use lockers are available on the 3rd floor in the Music Listening Area. Users must provide their own locks.
  7. All patrons and library employees have the right to be in the library without fear of harassment and threats. Comments and actions that a reasonable person applying contemporary standards could construe as demeaning, harassing, threatening, or intimidating will not be tolerated. Comments and actions may include, but are not limited to:
  • Lewd Conduct: Conduct which is disorderly, lewd, or indecent. Indecent conduct includes indecent exposure as defined by Oklahoma law and public exposure and unsolicited communications that are obscene, lewd, or indecent.
  • Assault: including but not limited to verbal abuse (persistent or severe), threats, intimidation, harassment, stalking, bullying (verbal, physical, and/or cyber), and/or other conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.  
  • Battery: including but not limited to attempted or actual physical abuse that reasonably could result in bodily injury, pain, or impairment. This includes fighting, assault, battery, or any other form of physical violence against another person.
  • Disturbing the Peace and Destruction of Property: Conduct which would disturb the peace, injure any person (including hazing), cause property damage, directly impede the lawful activities of others, interfere with University faculty or staff in the performance of their duties, or interfere with the educational process and the orderly operation of the Library.
  • Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct, and Stalking:  Title IX Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct, and Stalking violations are governed by East Central University’s Title IX Policy for Students, Faculty and Staff. All East Central University community members are responsible for reading, understanding, and the Title IX policy.

Respect the Library Building

  1. In accordance with the ECU Student Code of Conduct and the Drug-Free Schools Statement and Policy, the use of any type of  tobacco product (vapes, ecigarettes, chewing tobacco etc.), illicit drugs, or alcohol is not permitted within the building. Patrons found to be under the influence of these substances may be asked to leave the library and/or campus.
  2. Packaged food and drinks with lids are permitted in most areas of the library, but please dispose of trash in the proper receptacles. Please notify a library employee if you need assistance with cleaning up a spill.
  3. Theft, defacement, and destruction of library materials, the library building, furnishings, or equipment will not be tolerated. Theft includes removing library materials from the library without checking them out. Patrons are expected to cooperate with library staff if they set off a library security alarm.
  4. The doors to the library will be locked 10 minutes prior to closing to ensure adequate security to people and library property.
  5. Library materials should be checked out no later than 10 minutes prior to closing.

Patrons who do not adhere to the Patron Responsibilities or require constant staff intervention may have their privileges reduced or suspended. Typically, a patron will receive a warning upon the first violation of the Patron Responsibilities. Repeat violations of the Patron Responsibilities, or any violation of an extreme or criminal nature, may result in barring the patron from using the library and its services. A final barring determination will be made by the Library Director or designee, or, in the case of student offenders, by the Library Director in consultation with the Dean of Students.