Senior Exhibit is a capstone course for ECU art students in their last semester before receiving a BFA in Art.
The course is comprised of real-world projects that culminate in the successful completion of an exhibit, defense, and portfolio.
This exhibition is a cumulative statement of the students' preparation to proceed in an art career beyond the baccalaureate degree.
Use the tabs above or the links below to navigate within the exhibit.
Reagan Findley - Simply Abide
Encouraging others to simply abide in Christ alone, through graphic design and social media.
Adrianna George - Chasing the Killer Within
A game concept in which the player goes around solving crimes, finding the killer. However, there’s a twist – the killer is the player.
Hannah Harvey - The Art of Woody Crumbo
A curated exhibit that features eight of Crumbo’s most famous Native American serigraphs.
Leandrea Huddleston - I AM
A show exploring a few of the Hebrew names of God found throughout the Bible. It encourages the viewer to explore God in new ways.
Caleb Stewart - Invest & Earn
A mock business presentation for a small start-up investment company.
Visit our website at the Department of Art + Design : Media + Communication
See what media ADMC is creating on the Tiger Media YouTube Channel
The works displayed in these virtual exhibits are the property of the individual artists, with the exception of Woody Crumbo, whose work is the property of East Central University.
All images of artwork are for personal, educational, non-commercial use only, and may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the artist, or for Woody Crumbo's work, permission from East Central University.