Hello, welcome to my Senior Exhibit! My goal is to encourage others to simply abide in Christ alone.
I believe in the power of good design and its tremendous impact on the Church. I hope you enjoy!
Simply Abide Conference Statement:
The Simply Abide or “SA” conference is a mock conference I created thinking about what it would look like if Simply Abide became an organization that brought believers from all different backgrounds together for a day. I explored what the branding would look like and how I could visually communicate the atmosphere this conference would hold. I gathered inspiration from other church conferences such as Passion and Live Original and played with different elements of typography and color theory. I believe in the power of good design and its tremendous impact on the Church.
Simply Abide Instagram: @simplyabide
Simply Abide is an Instagram account I created, where I post weekly graphics. The process in making these graphics starts with daily quiet time with God, which consist of studying the Bible, praying, and worshiping. During the week, I look at Instagram to see what other creatives working in this medium are creating. I gather inspiration from them and begin creating my own work in Photoshop, inspired by what I have been learning throughout the week. Once a month I write a blog post on my website to pair with the graphics, to share what I have been learning in greater detail. My goal is to encourage people to simply abide in Christ alone.
The works displayed in this virtual exhibit are the property of Reagan Findley.