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Spring 2020 Senior Exhibits: Leandrea Huddleston

This exhibition is a cumulative statement of the students' preparation to proceed in an art career beyond the baccalaureate degree.


Leandrea Huddleston

“I AM” explores the different names of God as found in the original Hebrew text of the Bible.
It encourages the viewer to learn more about God and the many facets of how He works, and is intended to challenge how the viewer sees God and how you call upon Him.


Ehyeh - I AM

Ehyeh - I AM

Digital Graphic, 18x18 in.

Exodus 3:14. This is where God gives His name for His people to call him by. Translated from the Hebrew text, He says “I AM WHO I AM," meaning He was, is, always will be.



Melek - King of Glory

Melek - King of Glory

Digital Graphic, 18x18 in.

Isaiah 33:22, 1 Samuel 12:12. Melek translates to king. When the Israelites began using this term for God, it was to assert that God was King and no one else was. At this time in history it was battling against the god of Canaan, Baal as king, but it corresponds today as God is still King of our lives and ultimately everything.



YHWH - The Name

YHWH - The Name​

Digital Graphic, 18x18 in.

Exodus 3:15. YHWH is the most holy and revered name of God, in which God proclaimed Himself to Moses before he was sent to save the Israelites from captivity in Egypt. This name corresponds with the name Ehyeh/I AM in the first image. God called himself Ehyeh, and how he tells Moses to say his name is YHWH/He is. This name was so revered and respected it has been shortened to only the consonants, YHWH, so that no one would speak this name out loud. In English translations, when it capitalizes LORD instead of Lord, it is calling God YHWH.



Jehovah Jireh - The LORD Will Provide

Jehovah Jireh - The LORD Will Provide​

Digital Graphic, 18x18 in.

Genesis 22:14. Jehovah Jireh is found in the story where God provides the ram to be given as the burnt offering instead of Abraham’s son Isaac. Afterwards, the place is called the mount of the LORD it shall be provided. This is to remind people to love God first and be thankful for His gifts. He will always be there for you.



El Kanno - The Jealous God​

El Kanno - The Jealous God​

Digital Graphic, 18x18 in.

Exodus 34:14, Deuteronomy 5:7-9, James 4:4-5.7-9, James 4:4-5. El Kanno refers to God’s character. It is important to remember that this is a holy and righteous jealousy, not human jealousy. He is passionate, zealous, and jealous for our spirits that He has put to dwell in us. He takes His covenant with His people very seriously, and He expects and desires faithfulness and love in return. He doesn’t need us, but He wants us so deeply with a love we cannot even imagine.



El Simchath Gili - God My Exceeding Joy​

El Simchath Gili - God My Exceeding Joy​

Digital Graphic, 18x18 in.

Psalm 43:4. From God comes our joy. An everlasting and deep joy that nothing and no one could ever steal. God longs to give us joy and dwell within it.



Elohim Chasdi - The God of Lovingkindness

Elohim Chasdi - The God of Lovingkindness

Digital Graphic, 18x18 in.

Psalm 59:17. Elohim Chasdi conveys God’s warmth, love, and mercy toward us. When this is used in Psalms, it is a psalm of David fleeing persecution from Saul. He was tired, run down, scared for his life. Yet instead of blaming God, he calls to Him for protection, justice, and God’s unfailing love. He refuses to be dragged down by the circumstances and sings of his joy in the Lord instead.



Adonai - My Lords

Adonai - My Lords

Digital Graphic, 18x18 in.

Deuteronomy 3:24. Adonai is the plural form of the word Adon, My Lord. Adonai refers to Gods in His trinity, My Lords. This name was used to put in place of the holy name YHWH. Typically the text would have YHWH written and be spoken as Adonai. Adonai was later translated to the Greek Kyrios when Jesus came as the Messiah and proclaimed himself God, or The Lord. Throughout this progression of the name, the power behind it is never lost.



El Hayyay - The God of My Life​

El Hayyay - The God of My Life​

Digital Graphic, 18x18 in.

Psalm 42:8. This name should bring comfort. God is there with you through every step and every second. He does not fall asleep, or take a vacation, or tire of you because you mess up. He is there through the day directing His love for you, and there through the night with His song over you.



Yahweh Tsebaoth - The Lord of Hosts​

Yahweh Tsebaoth - The Lord of Hosts​

Digital Graphic, 18x18 in.

Psalm 84:12, Zachariah 1:3, Exodus 14:15-31. This name corresponds with the name Melek. Just as God is King, He is Lord of all. This name is used when God shows the power that He holds. This also reminds us that those who lean on Him, have literally the biggest champion in their corners. Who is bigger than God?



Mashiach - Messiah​

Mashiach - Messiah​

Digital Graphic, 18x18 in.

Jeremiah 23:5. Mashiach translated means The Anointed One. In ancient days, when kings were taking the throne, they were anointed with oil. The Mashiach comes from the line of David, as did Jesus, and in the End of Days will come and set up His Heavenly Kingdom on Earth, and then rule and reign forever. With this name, it shows Jesus as rightly taking the throne and having authority over all.



Artist Statement:

Hand-lettering is something that I have done regularly for the last year. I wanted to use this type of design to create my show because I am passionate about both the style and the concept of my show. “I AM” explores the different names of God as found in the original Hebrew text of the Bible. It encourages the viewer to learn more about God and the many facets of how He works. People often limit God to certain areas. God is everything and everywhere. This is intended to challenge how you see God and how you call upon Him.

Instagram: @joyful.lettering._


The works displayed in this virtual exhibit are the property of Leandrea Huddleston.