Global Invest is a mock company that I branded to show off some of my design abilities.
The main idea behind the company is to allow me the use of information graphs and charts to present a conventional, business-like sales pitch.
Artist Statement:
Welcome to my Senior Exhibit! Basically, what I have put together for you is a business presentation for a small start-up investment company. As an artist, I want my work to be seen as Minimalist; using basic shape, color, line, balance and texture. I use a modular-style. I enjoy layout design and balancing type with images. I have heard before that I am eclectic, meaning I use inspiration from many different sources: magazines, webpages, music, movies, and outdoors. I also have an appreciation for the marketing-side of graphic design. I am very drawn to corporate identity and branding organizations. I like to incorporate my artwork into advertising, flyers, brochures, webpages, videos, and social media. Web Design is also something that I think plays a larger role in my "graphic-design-style."
The works displayed in this virtual exhibit are the property of Caleb Stewart.