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Digital Services Department: Main

The Digital Services Department provides support services for the East Central University campus.

About the Digital Services Department

The Digital Services Department is located on the second floor of the Library Annex, just past the Tommy Wayne Quaid Sr. Memorial Student Lounge.

Office Hours:

 Mon. - Fri.  8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
 Sat. - Sun.  Closed


Stop by and visit, or you can contact us at or (580) 559-5490.

           The Digital Services Department also oversees the Digital Humanities Lab on the second floor of the library and Special Collections on the fourth floor. 

For more information, visit the Digital Humanities Lab page and the Special Collections page.

Technical Services Librarian

Profile Photo
Haley Monroe
Technical Services Librarian
Linscheid Library,
Room 208A

Digital Services Librarian

Profile Photo
Brandon Prine
Digital Services Librarian
Linscheid Library Room 205

Forms and Policies

Digital Services Forms

Projects eligible for free printing:

Large format prints:

  • Research posters that will be presented at an event, such as a state/national conference or Oklahoma Research Day
  • Original artwork to be featured in an exhibit

3D prints and color laser jet prints:

  • Course-related projects
  • Honors projects
  • Other ECU research projects

If you are unsure if your project is eligible for free printing, contact us at or (580) 559-5490.

Price List

Large format printing

$3.00 per sq. ft. for ECU students, faculty, and staff                                                 
$4.00 per sq. ft. for community patrons
Double the price for foam board mounting

3D printing $0.10 per gram
Color laser jet printing $0.50 per page

$2.00 per ft. for thin
$3.00 per ft. for thick

Binding $0.20 for Small (less than 1 in.)
$0.40 for Medium (1 - 1 1/2 in.)
$0.50 for Large (2 in.)
Media Transfer, Duplication,
& Scanning
Free if blank DVD, CD, or hard drive is provided
$2.00 for a blank DVD or CD

Special Collections

Special Collections at Linscheid Library is home to unique materials, like rare books, photographs, manuscripts, letters, scrapbooks, and business records.

While emphasizing materials of local and regional interest, the collection has a wide reaching scope. Enthusiasts of history, religious studies, literature, and others will be sure to find something of interest in one or more of the collections.

Because of the unusual and fragile nature of the materials, they are housed in the Thompson Room on the fourth floor of the Linscheid Library. Anyone interested in viewing Special Collections should fill out the Request to Use Special Collections form.