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Instructional Services: Instruction

In this guide, you can find general information about the Instruction Department, a form to request an instruction session, library tutorials, and internal information.

What's in this Guide?

Are you interested in learning how to use the library, or helping your students learn library and research skills?

If so, this guide is for you!

Use the links below or the tabs above to navigate within this guide.

Request an Instruction Session

Ready to schedule an instruction session? You have two easy options!

For more information, see the Library Instruction Policy.

What Do We Do?

The goals of the library instruction program are:

  1. To support classroom instruction by helping students find and use information related to course assignments through collaborative teaching efforts.
  2. To foster lifelong learning in students and faculty by teaching information literacy skills and research strategies which emphasize problem-based, discovery learning techniques.


We offer the following types of instruction...

  • Assignment-specific and general instruction sessions to classes
  • Tutorials and online research guides
  • Tours of the library help students do the following:

  • Develop a focused topic and related search terms in order to design a research plan.
  • Identify, select, and effectively use appropriate search tools in order to locate and retrieve sources.
  • Explain and apply established criteria in order to evaluate information sources critically.
  • Apply East Central University’s Policy on Academic Integrity, particularly when citing and writing, in order to ethically use information.

Our library classroom, the Active Learning Center provides students with....

  • Movable chairs and tables to form different configurations or flip and stow out of the way for maximum agility
  • Collaborative classroom efforts through a high degree of control over their interactions through the flexible furnishings
  • Tools and furniture work together helping students create, ideate, and build together
  • Students can find a space that works for them based on their task, preference, and mood


We are always willing to tailor our presentations and materials to your students' needs, and accommodate you in whatever way we can.

Instructional Services Librarian

Profile Photo
Shawna Bishop
Instructional Services Librarian
Linscheid Library, Room #321
(580) 559-5370

Instructional Services Assistant

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Aaron Choate
Instructional Services Assistant
Linscheid Library, Room #320