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Fall 2021 Senior Exhibits: Tiffany Johnson

This exhibition is a cumulative statement of the students' preparation to proceed in an art career beyond the baccalaureate degree.

Tiffany Johnson

 For my senior exhibit I wanted to display my journey of becoming at home with myself.
I decided the best way to do this was by creating a living room that was made up of me.
I also felt that my children’s book Tuffany was another way I displayed this journey.
Please enjoy my exhibit, "At Home With Myself."

video from Tiffany KayAnn on Vimeo.

Pogue Gallery Video

Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center




Johnson - Lamp Girl

Lamp Girl

Digital illustration, 8 x 10 in.




Johnson - I Found It

I Found It

Digital illustration, 8 x 10 in.




Johnson - Untitled 1


Digital illustration, 5 x 7 in.




Johnson - Untitled 2


Digital illustration, 5 x 7 in.




Johnson - Untitled 3


Digital illustration, 8 x 10 in.




Johnson - Untitled 4


Digital illustration, 8 x 10 in.




Johnson - Untitled 5


Digital illustration, 10 x 8 in.




Johnson - Untitled 6


Digital illustration, 11 x 8.5 in.




Johnson - Untitled 3


Digital illustration, 6 x 10 in.




Johnson - Tuffany the Boxer

Tuffany the Boxer

Digital illustration, 8 x 10 in.




Johnson - Tuffany the Biker

Tuffany the Biker

Digital illustration, 8 x 10 in.




Johnson - Tuffany the Cowgirl

Tuffany the Cowgirl

Digital illustration, 8 x 10 in.




Johnson - Tuffany Cover

Tuffany Cover

Digital illustration, 10 x 10 in.



Artist Statement:

As an artist and designer, my main goal is to create pieces that are imaginative, quirky, and colorful. I want what I create to encourage others, but I want to do it in a way that is different. In each piece I create, I want who I am to shine through. My faith in God is what gives me motivation and reason to create. I want to encourage and inspire others towards God. I strive to do this in a way that is colorful and full of imagination. Imagination is essential in my process of making art. I draw more towards quirky and imperfect styles of art, while I tend to make cleaner designs. I do not strive for precise strokes or marks, but marks that have emotion and character. If I feel angry, I want my lines to feel angry. If I feel at peace I want my lines to feel at peace. I’m very emotional and I want to express my emotions in what I create. I want my art to be different from anything else. When I think of the word imagination, I think of color. I want to use color in ways that people don’t normally use them. I draw much inspiration from the past, more than I do the present. Artists such as Shel Silverstein and Mary Blair inspire me greatly. I tend to be drawn in the same way to past designers such as Herb Lublin. I am drawn into children’s book illustrations because of the positive message they give. Many are colorful, even if it isn’t the colors used, but what is being shown in the image. I am also inspired by my past experiences and my childhood.


Artist website:

Instagram: @tuffany_johnson_


The works displayed in this virtual exhibit are the property of Tiffany Johnson.