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Special Collections Department: Main

Find out about rare and unique materials at the library, how to use them, and the collections you can access anywhere.

About Special Collections

The Special Collections area at Linscheid Library is home to a variety of unique materials, like rare books, photographs, manuscripts, letters, scrapbooks, and business records.

While emphasizing materials of local and regional interest, the collection has a wide reaching scope. Enthusiasts of history, religious studies, literature, and others will be sure to find something of interest in one or more of the collections.

Because of the unusual and fragile nature of the materials, they are housed in the Thompson Room on the fourth floor of the Linscheid Library. Anyone interested in viewing the Special Collections should contact the Technical Services Librarian at 580.559.5842.

Requesting Access

Rules of Use

Rules of Use

Your usage of the collection is important, but keeping the materials in good repair is also necessary. In order to assure the preservation of these materials for generations, we ask that you respect the following guidelines:

  • Anyone is welcome to visit! The only reason you need is your own curiosity.
  • Visitors will be accompanied by an employee of the library. Please stay in sight of this employee while in Special Collections.
  • Please wash your hands before entering Special Collections.
  • Leave your food or drinks outside of Special Collections.
  • Bags, coats, and wet items will be be left in the foyer or workroom.
  • Please only bring pencils into the Thompson Room. Pens will be left outside.
  • Please handle materials with extreme care. Use provided bookmarks and book weights to keep your place or keep items open.
  • Please allow copies & photos to be created only by Library personnel.


East Central University Collection

The collection includes a complete run of the East Central Journal and Pesagi. Publications by and about the University, faculty, and distinguished alumni are included in the collection. Notable items in the collection include the typescript of a book by tramp poet Welborn Hope, scrapbooks, photographs and oral history materials about the University. Tiger fans may wish to wander up to Special Collections to see some of our sports memorabilia, including old uniforms.

Please note that the Special Collections at Linscheid Library is not the official university archive and does not have access to lists of alumni. All queries about alumni should be directed to the Office of Alumni Relations.

 President Linscheid Collection

Papers of President Adolf Linscheid from when he led East Central. Includes letters and insight into the work that went into growing East Central in its early years.

East Central Oklahoma Collection

Included here are local history materials, books by local authors, and materials relating to oil field history and culture, the Five Civilized Tribes, and Oklahoma politics.

Admire Collection

The papers, maps, and letters of 89er James L. Admire (1869-1956), who operated a successful farm management service in Hugo, Oklahoma, provide insight into agriculture in Southeastern Oklahoma since the 1920s.

Crawford Collection

Former Pontotoc county district judge Johnson Tal Crawford was a member of the first US Military Tribunal to conduct the Nazi Doctor War Crimes Trials at Nuremberg. In addition to photos, transcripts, letters, and other background documentation, his papers include his multi-volume set of the trial proceedings. This set is a gift of Elwood and Gloria Kemp.

Hauan Collection

A gift from distinguished alumnus Martin Hauan, this collection includes political advertising on tape, videotape, and film, as well as printed speeches, memorabilia, and books associated with the campaigns of various Oklahoma politicians.

World War Photos

East Central Professor Edson A. MacMillan collected photos and autographs of military and civilian leaders of the World War I era. This rather remarkable collection is now housed in special collections. The special collections also includes about 20 prints of official public relations photos from the World War II era.

Rare Books Collection

The centerpiece of this collection is a facsimile of the famous Gutenberg Bible, the first book printed with movable type and therefore the keystone event in the history of the book. Our facsimile, made to be an exact replica of the Cardinal Mazarin Bible, or 42 line Bible, is a gift of Norma English Walker, in memory of her parents, Alma and A.D. English.

Other books in this collection include some rare Americana, such as Schoolcrafts--an early record of life among the Indian tribes--and Twentieth Century first editions, with an emphasis on books about the American Southwest. Examples of fine printing and binding, and autographed books are also in the Rare Books Collection.

Contact Information

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Haley Monroe
Technical Services Librarian
Linscheid Library,
Room 208A