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Reserves Department: Info for Instructors

The Reserves Department, housed behind the Circulation Desk, processes electronic and print reserve items for ECU instructors.

What's on this page?

If you're an instructor, this page is full of information for you.

It includes:

  • Definitions of the different types of reserves,
  • Reserves guidelines, and the
  • Reserves Request Form.

Reserves Form

Use the link below to access our Reserves Request Form. This form is to be filled out for both electronic and traditional reserve items.

Reserves Guidelines

All Reserves

  • To place materials on traditional or electronic reserve, please complete the the Reserve Request Form.
  • Please allow 5 days for your request to be processed.

Electronic Reserves

  • Linscheid Library complies with the U.S. Code: Title 17, Section 107 governing Fair Use. This means that all materials placed on electronic reserve will conform to the following guidelines:
    • No more than 10% of the total pages of a book or one chapter from a book.
    • No more than one article from one journal issue or newspaper issue per course.
    • No more than one short story, short essay or short poem from any given collection or anthology.
    • No more than one chart, graph, diagram, drawing or picture from any one periodical issue, book, or newspaper issue.
  • Submit electronic reserves in the following format:
    • Please provide single-sided photocopies of the item or electronic versions of the items on a flash drive, via email attachment, or uploaded to the Reserve Request Form.
    • Your photocopy or electronic version should include the title page and copyright information for the material.
  • All electronic files will be removed from the reserve system at the end of each semester. Materials placed on electronic reserve for any subsequent semester for the same course/instructor will require copyright permission.

Types of Reserves

There are two types of reserves:

Traditional Reserves

  • Traditional reserves consist of hard-copy materials, typically books or articles.
  • Instructors decide how long students get to keep the materials (ranging from library use only to the entire semester).
  • Instructors can put their own and/or library materials on reserve.
  • Traditional reserve materials are housed behind the Circulation Desk.
  • A valid ID card is required to checkout reserve materials.

Electronic Reserves

  • Electronic reserves consist of digitized versions of articles, book chapters, PowerPoint presentations, etc.
  • Students can access these materials anytime from any computer with an internet connection. They will need their ID number to access the materials.