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Quality Matters FAQs

  • Why does ECU participate in Quality Matters reviews?
  • Is it true that there will be people from other universities looking at my course?
    • Yes. A QM internal review requires that there be at least one external reviewer on the review team. There will be one Master Reviewer, one Subject Matter Expert, and one Peer Reviewer for each course review.
  • How often do I have to put my course through a review? 
    • Once your course is QM certified, you have 5 years before it must go through the course recertification process. However, if you make substantial changes to the course, you may be required to re-certify the course at an earlier date.
  • Does that mean that I can't change anything in the course for 5 years?
    • No, you can still make changes and improve the course as long as you do not make substantial changes that change the integrity of the course. "Substantial" would be if you changed 20% or more of the course. See Course Recertification on the QM Website for more details.
  • Are the reviewers going to make me change what I teach? 
    • No! The reviewers are looking at your design, not how you teach the course. Occasionally there will be "overlap" between the two, especially when reviewers are evaluating your learning objectives, but the main focus of a QM review is to make sure your course is designed to meet QM standards. 
  • What does the research say regarding Quality Matters?
  • Where do I start? 
    • Talk to CETL! We are here to help you through the entire process: training, developing your course map, the review process, and getting your course MET!