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Colleague Self-Service: Faculty

Advising in Colleague Self-Service

Welcome to ECU Colleague Self-Service! Over the course of the next year, several elements of Colleague will be rolled out. For now, the Advisor portion is available for faculty.

Colleague Self-Service Faculty and Advising Reminders and Additions

  1. Use the FACULTY tile for viewing rosters and waitlists and granting instructor consent.
  2. Advisor-Revised with reminders for granting enrollment permission for advisees.  PLEASE NOTE advisees may have other holds and must complete the Terms and Conditions in the REQUIRED DOCUMENTS section.  You have the ability to see the notifications for the student in the section above the course plan.
  3.  A student registration addendum to address some of the common issues that we have experienced with students having difficulty registering.  PLEASE remind students that they have to click the REGISTER button in order to be enrolled in the courses on the plan.

Advisor Video