As part of our Summer 2024 NASNTI-sponsored professional development, CETL's mission is to help ECU faculty incorporate a Plus One approach into their courses and assessments by providing students with just one more way to show understanding and learning.
The Plus One Approach is a simple, incremental way to incorporate Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles into your teaching. Instead of overhauling your entire course, you start by adding one more option for students. This extra option provides flexibility and helps eliminate potential barriers in the learning process. By making these small, gradual changes, you can create a more inclusive learning environment.
The Plus One approach, created by Behling and Tobin (2018), "is a process for reflecting on how you are teaching and to add one more option for students to provide flexibility and remove potential barriers or “pinch points” in the learning process" (University of Limerick, Center for Transformative Learning). You can learn the basic framework about the "Plus One Approach" from Thomas Tobin himself in the video linked above!
By gradually adding in “Plus Ones” to your teaching, learning and assessment design, you will discover what works for your students and your practice will become incrementally more inclusive.
(adapted and quoted from University of Limerick's Centre for Transformative Learning "Getting Started - The Plus One Approach")
Identify an interaction/activity between you and your students and add one other alternative.
(quoted from University of Auckland, TeachWell Digital "Getting Started: Plus One Approach")
The following examples of Plus One Design come from your fellow East Central faculty members and from other professors in the world.
Tobin, T.J., & Behling, K. (2018). Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education. Morgantown: West Virginia University Press. ISBN-13: 978-1946684608 - Chapter 5 PDF
"Plus-One" Thinking: A Framework for Inclusive Teaching - from The University of Texas at Austin's Center for Teaching and Learning
"Plus One Approach" - an interactive guide to explore and apply UDL and Plus one - from Pressbooks at the University of Iowa
"Universal Design for Learning - Getting Started: Plus one approach" - from TeachWell Digital at the University of Auckland
"Design for Access to Enhance Accessibility--and Engagement" - from The Learning Guild