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Online Course FAQ

Online Course FAQ

What training do I need to teach an online class?

Faculty teaching online classes are required to complete a Quality Matters (QM) training course before teaching. Visit the Quality Matters CETL page to identify the right course for you and contact an instructional designer at CETL to start the enrollment process. For more information about ECU’s policy on online course development visit the Online and Blended Course Policy section on CETL's ECU Policies for Faculty page.

If you are developing an ECUO course through the third-party OPM provider, you are not required to take QM training in addition to that process. However, applying QM principles is encouraged.

How can I get help designing my course or trying new tools?

Contact CETL for assistance at any stage of instructional design, from building a course map to adding activities and trying new tools and features.

The CETL team also provides one-on-one or group instruction on any issues you or your department may have, whether they are related to Blackboard Ultra or general instructional design.

How do my students and I get technical help when my online class isn’t working properly?

Send a message to the Help Desk at

Describe your problem as specifically as possible. Make sure to include:

  • the course number
  • any error messages you see
  • screen shots, if available--these help a TON

Once submitted, your request will be routed to the appropriate support staff.

How do I improve my course's accessibility?

Reach out to CETL, or you can find a list to a quick accessibility checklist here.

Does my course need to be reviewed?

  • ECUO courses: Courses labeled ECUO in the schedule, part of the fully online degree program, will be loaded from the Master Shell and reviewed for technical accuracy (functional links, accurate gradebook settings, etc.) by the CETL team.
  • WEB courses: Courses labeled WEB will be reviewed each semester by department chairs and deans for readiness, including updates for the current semester, content accuracy, and accessibility. An Online Course Checklist form is available on Etrieve. All WEB courses should also undergo the Quality Matters review process. For more information on this, visit the Online and Blended Course Policy section or contact CETL for more details.

When will my course open to students?

Most online courses open to students one week before the start of classes.

How do I get my course content copied from a previous semester or a Master Shell?

  • ECUO courses: ECUO-labeled courses will be copied from a Master Shell by the OPM staff. Contact Dean Mark Walling at or the OPM representatives if you have questions or problems with ECUO courses. 
  • WEB courses: Contact CETL at and ask them to copy your previous course or Master Shell, including QM-certified or ECUO courses.

Can I put multiple classes into one Blackboard shell?

In certain cases, two classes can be combined into a single Blackboard shell. However, due to potential complications when students drop or add classes that causes Blackboard to get caught in a never-ending Add/Drop loop, this is recommended only for cross-listed courses.

Requests must come through the department chair to the CETL and Academic Affairs teams.

How many weeks are in a term? How do I handle holidays?

Online courses often follow weekly learning modules.

  • Fall and Spring: 16-week term and two 8-week terms
  • Summer: 4-week, 8-week, and 10-week terms

University holidays, when the campus is closed, are not included in these weeks. For instance, in the Fall B term (second eight weeks), the university closes for two days during Fall Break and three days for Thanksgiving. This results in nine calendar weeks but only eight full weeks of classes.

Instructors should align their courses with the official Academic Calendar, though they may choose to provide optional activities during breaks.

If the end-of-term date falls on a Friday, instructors can decide whether to accept work over the weekend, considering the grade entry deadline.

When should online assignments be due?

Many instructors set weekly assignment deadlines for Sunday at 11:59 p.m., as this allows students flexibility over the weekend. However, deadlines can vary; the key is ensuring that they are clear and consistent to help students manage their workloads effectively.