Please follow the instructions below to enable access to Creative Cloud Desktop Apps on your personal device.
*Note that you must have administrative privileges on the device that you are trying to install to. Users with ECU laptops already have administrator privileges.
For more information on how to download or install apps, see Download and Install Creative Cloud apps.
If you experience any issues with access, please contact the ECU helpdesk at (580)559-5884 or
The OneNote Class Notebook is an app that will create a class notebook, which includes three types of sub-notebooks:
Student Notebooks — private notebooks that are shared between each teacher and their individual students. Teachers can access these notebooks at any time, but students cannot see other students’ notebooks.
Content Library — a notebook for teachers to share course materials with students. Teachers can add and edit its materials, but for students, the notebook is read-only.
Collaboration Space — a notebook for all students and the teacher in the class to share, organize, and collaborate.