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QM-Certified Faculty

These ECU faculty members are QM-Certified in IYOC, APPQMR, or more and have taken at least one course through the Quality Matters Internal or Official Review process. Well done!

School of Business

Stacey Bolin

Stacey Bolin

MIS 3433: Management Information Systems

Kristen Byers

Kristen Byers

MIS 1903: Computer Business Applications

MKTG 3313: Principles of Marketing


Deanna Hartley-Kelso

BUSLW 3213: The Legal Environment of Business

James Rauch ECON 2013: Principles of Microeconomics


Randy Stone

Randall Stone

ACCT 4453: Short-Term Financial Management

                 Michael Scott

Michael Scott

ECON 2003: Principles of Macroeconomics

BUS 4103: Global Business*


*denotes an official Quality Matters course review

College of Education & Psychology

Chris Campbell

Chris Campbell

PSYCH 4413: Psychology of Personality

Usha Fountain

Usha Fountain

EDUC 5413: Introduction to Counseling

Joanna Harris-Young

Joanna Harris-Young

HRPSY 3253: Psychology of Aging

PSYCH 4453: Adolescent Development

Phyllis Isaacs

Phyllis Isaacs

EDUC 5133: Modern Philosophies of Education

EDUC 5983: Advanced Strategies in Effective Teaching

Mark Jones

Mark Jones

EDUC 5183: Contemporary Issues in Education

EDUC 5363: Principles of Instructional Design

Marc Klippenstine

Marc Klippenstine

PSYCH 1113: General Psychology

PSYCH 5063: Advanced Physiological Psychology

Jessica Koch

Jessica Koch

EDUC 5173: Fundamentals of Curriculum

EDUC 2631: Foundations of Educational Technology*

Jillian McCarty

Jillian McCarty

KIN 2122: Choices in Wellness

Jeff McGaha

Jeff McGaha

KIN 2413: Applied Anatomy

Matt McGaha

Matt McGaha

KIN 2273: First Aid

KIN 3303: Fundamentals of Sports Administration*

Jason Prather

Jason Prather

KIN 5303: Sports Administration

KIN 5413: Principles of Sport Finance*

Robin Roberson

Robin Roberson

PSYCH 3463: Child & Adolescent Psychology

EDUC 5083/5983: Advanced Classroom Management

Cathy Roring

Cathy Roring

PSYCH 5313: Advanced Educational Psychology

Shelli Sharber

Shelli Sharber

LIBSC 5213: Cataloging & Classification

LIBSC 5923: Young Adult Literature

Jenn Snell

Jenn Snell

EDUC 5233: Survey of Teaching Reading

Nick Stowers

Nick Stowers

KIN 5313: Sports Facility Management

KIN 5323: Legal Aspects of Sport

Darcy Tessman

Darcy Tessman

FCS 1523: Careers in Family & Consumer Sciences

HHFS 1513: Basic Nutrition

HHFS 3233: Intro to Hospitality Management

Santa Velez

Santa Velez

PSYCH 5113: Theories of Personality & Human Behavior

EDPSY 5163: Cognitive Behavioral Theories & Methods of Counseling & Psychotherapy


Dustin Williams

EDPSY 5353: Standardized Group Tests

*denotes an official Quality Matters course review

College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Erick Ananga

Erick Ananga

WRPM 5103: Policy Research & Methodology

Shelley Bailey

Shelley Bailey

HURES 2083: Human Behavior & Social Environment I

Scott Barton

Scott Barton

HIST 2513: Survey of African American History

Terrie Becerra

Terrie Becerra

SOC 4983: Environmental Sociology

Jennifer Dorsey

Jennifer Dorsey

ENG 1213: Freshman Composition II

Melissa Inglis

Melissa Inglis

CRJS 3653: Alternatives to Incarceration

CRJS 5323: Foundations of the Criminal Justice Profession

Susan Ingram

Susan Ingram

MCOM 3783: Feature Writing

MCOM 4813: Public Relations Writing

Shirley Mixon

Shirley Mixon

UNIV 3113: Interdisciplinary Studies

UNIV 3123: Professional Field Experience I

Houston Mount

Houston Mount

HIST 1113: Early Western Civilization

HIST 2613: Explorations in World History & Cutlure

Robin Murphy

Robin Murphy

ENG 3183: Technical & Professional Writing

Christine Pappas

Christine Pappas

PS 1113: United States Government

Marc Petrowsky

Marc Petrowsky

SOC 1113: Introduction to Sociology

SOC 2113: Social Problems

Destany Schafer-Morgan

SOWK 3833: Research Methods in Social Work

Jeanene Taylor

Jeanene Taylor

HURES 4453: Intervention Techniques

Dwaine Turner

Dwaine Turner

HURES 2183: Fundamentals of Counseling

Mark Walling

Mark Walling

ENG 1113: Freshman Composition I

ENG 1213: Freshman Composition II

ENG 3143: Introduction to Film*

HUM 2813: Interpreting Film

Amy Ward

Amy Ward

SOWK 4423: Human Behavior & Social Environment II

Paige Williams

Paige Williams

HURES 5623: Counseling Intervention

Holli Witherington

Holli Witherington

HURES 2283: Introduction to Addictions

HURES 3283: Addictions & Society

*denotes an official Quality Matters course review 

College of Health & Sciences

Alisha Howard

Alisha Howard

BIOL 1114: General Biology

Eric Howard GEOG 1214: Earth Science

Nick Jacob

Nick Jacob

MATH 1513: College Algebra

Mary Kay Tarver

Mary Kay Tarver

CMPSC 1513: Computer Literacy

George Wang George Wang

BIOL 2113: Medical Terminology