Putting your course through a review can seem daunting. Here is a timeline to help as you begin the process, and CETL is here to help as you go through this process!
Netiquette is quite simply "net etiquette." Pretty much, if you wouldn't do something in a face-to-face class (i.e., scream at your instructor or colleague), do not do it in an online class (i.e., using ALL CAPS, which is considered "yelling" on the internet).
Some instructors and facilitators have created internet policies for their online classes. For an example netiquette statement, visit the Quality Matters website or view Rutgers University Netiquette page.
Quality Matters is a nationally-recognized, quality assurance program developed to improve the online and blended course experience for students.
As an institutional subscriber-level member, ECU assists faculty in receiving training in improving the online portion of their course by taking Quality Matters' online workshops, Improving Your Online Course (IYOC) or Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR). After they have received training, faculty proceed to take their course through either an internal review or an official subscriber-managed review using the Quality Matters 6th. Edition Rubric.
Internal reviews at East Central University are very similar to official Quality Matters reviews. Internal reviews follow the QM Rubric and are reviewed by 3 certified reviewers, including the team chair (master reviewer), subject-matter expert, and a peer/external reviewer. The primary difference between the internal review and the official review is timeline.
More information regarding Quality Matters, QM Membership, the QM Rubric, and the Course Review Management System can be found at www.qualitymatters.org.
To help ensure that your course meets specific Quality Matters Standards, CETL has compiled the resources below for your use as you begin creating your course.
Standard 1 Resources:
Standard 2 Resources:
Standard 4 Resources:
Standard 5 Resources:
Standard 6 Resources:
Standard 7 Resources:
Standard 8 Resources: